Technology & Manufacturing (TEAM) Fund
RDC’s Technology and Manufacturing (TEAM) Fund offers no-interest loans to manufacturing and technology-based companies. The fund supports growth-oriented companies who are on track to add jobs, grow revenues, and attract additional funding/investment. Our goal is to sustain and assist developing businesses in Northern New Mexico with job creation and diversifying the region’s economy.
Up to $20,000.00
2025 Application Period: February 18-March 17, 2025
TEAM Fund Information Session (online):
February 26, 11:00 am-Noon. Register Here
Applicants are highly recommended to attend before applying in order to submit the best possible application
For-profit Manufacturing or Technology** business
Headquartered in either Los Alamos, Mora, Rio Arriba, San Miguel, Northern Sandoval, Santa Fe, or Taos County
Business license, CRS#, FEIN# and a business-only bank account
In business at least 1 year from the opening date of the application process
Preference given to those not previously awarded
If you were awarded in 2024, we respectfully ask you to kindly step out this year and reapply in 2026. Thank you.
Funds to be used to:
Procure needed business equipment
Purchase consulting services
Purchase specialized software
**“Technology” here refers to innovation (often protected by trade secret, “know-how,” or intellectual property) and is not a reference to a business that uses technology or provides a non-proprietary technology service such as web development.
The RDC will help TEAM Fund recipients leverage the award by making introductions to other funding sources in our vast partner network.
Demonstrate matching capital
Outline specific purchases with costs that will be made within 6 months from award date
Submit a TEAM Fund application by the deadline
Funds are awarded through a competitive process.
Applications will be reviewed and scored by an independent review panel.
Award is not available for general development work, general working capital (ex: inventory, rent, utilities, materials), or salaries.
Gambling, tobacco, or illegal activities will not be funded.
Each proposal must describe a critical project that will advance the commercial progress of the company, increase revenues, and/or add jobs.
The full or a partial amount of the total request may be awarded.
Funds are awarded after purchases are completed and paid receipts approved.
Businesses selected for this award do not give up any equity by accepting funding, and are not required to provide collateral or a personal guarantee.
Only proposals that meet the eligibility requirements will be evaluated
Evaluation conducted by Independent review panel of local and regional business experts.
Evaluation criteria based on potential to create new jobs, increase or diversify revenues for the company, and ability to demonstrate that matching funds have been or will be secured.
Repayment plan will be discussed when project is complete (6 months after award)
Awardees will be obligated to immediately repay any unpaid amount of the loan if they relocate out of state or sell the business within 3 years of the date of the award.
Online Application: Available February 18, 2025
Sample Application: Available February 18, 2025 (for reference purposes)
Please note: The application cannot be saved in-process for completion at a later time. Please review sample application to have your answers ready for input.
Carla Rachkowski, Director of Operations
The TEAM Fund is made possible due to generous support from: